My inquiry is: "Exactly who among the Bethel family are being laid off?"
Are we just talking about older ones? Or are the ones being released of a certain "elite" class (regardless of age) in regards to teaching and/or taking the lead in congregational activitiy which can help local congregations in those areas?
There are some older ones at Bethel who may work at simple jobs (i.e. laundry or kitchen) and have been doing so for their entire Bethel career. Would they be chosen to leave because of their experienced qualification in congregation functionality? I know of several old timers who are very comfortable in the way of life at Bethel doing simple and unadorned jobs and aren't the type that are power hungry or zealous in climbing any ladder in any organizational setting. Of course, they can easily be replaced by a 19 year old youth. By they haven't been for decades in some cases. Is the WTS being selective ("wise and discreet") when picking certain ones to be dismissed?
It sounds to me that the Branch letter basically hinted toward the area of printing/distribution/packing/shipping, are such ones in those departments confined to these layoffs?
There can be alot of rumors, but I would like to know some truthful facts about such. Are there any "hidden" Bethelite lurkers posting here that can give us something concrete facts instead of speculation? I'm extra curious on this because I know quite a few who work at Bethel. Besides, why is only the U.S. Branch being effected?
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)